
Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Thank You, Mama Bloggers

On this year's day of giving thanks, I am reminded of some thoughts I had awhile back. Now seems like a good time to share them.

When you have a lifestyle that's considered alternative to mainstream culture, it can be hard to find community. Mainstream culture tends to fly in direct opposition to most of what I hold dear, what I find most natural, what I find to be truly human. Consider Milwaukee's recent attack on co-sleeping as but one example.

When I became a mother and realized my place in the parenting world, I started reading natural parenting blogs, mama blogs, and blogs about natural living. I sought information and insight from like-minded people. So I've been reading all sorts of mama blogs...the big impact ones with a zillion Facebook fans, the little ones who quietly share intimate stories, and many in between.

Since joining this virtual community less than a year ago, I've noticed subtle changes in myself. I have more maternal knowledge and skills. I've grown more comfortable in my mothering. No, not just comfortable, confident. I feel good about my general parenting choices, like I'm on a path that's right for me. Part of it is my own growth, but I think another big part is that I've been reading the mama blogs.

So here, I'd like to formally say Thank You to the Mama Bloggers:

Thank you for creating a community of open-mindedness, sharing, and respect. I find connection and support in what I once thought was the least likely place (the internet).

Thank you for providing so much useful information. I continually learn new things to apply in my daily life.

Thank you for sharing your trials and tribulations. I often learn your lessons vicariously or am reminded of my own shortcomings that need attention.

Thank you for cheering about your successes. I am inspired and motivated, knowing that someone else has a way that might work for me, too.

Thank you for making me laugh, so that I could laugh at myself, too.  Some days I really need it!

Thank you for your poetic prose that touches me as a mother, a world citizen, a woman, and a fellow writer.

Thank you for honoring motherhood in all its glory and hardship. 

Thank you for making me a better mother.

And, of course...thank you for reading :)


  1. I have been meaning to comment! This made my day when I read it. I too am so thankful for this mama blogging community. We are such a warm, inspiring bunch aren't we! XO

  2. Hear, hear!! I don't know where I'd be without this amazing community :) Thank YOU!

    And TY for the sweet well wishes on Ailia's arrival!
